Andile Madondo

Dubai, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

“Some people talk to animals; not many listen, though.” Winnie-The-Pooh First and foremost, I am animal-lover, and will give your beloved pets all the care, attention and fuss that you would wish for. If there are any special requirements such as medication or visits to the vet, I can take care of that. Old or infirm pets are not a problem for me; when one owner couldn't face putting to sleep her beloved elderly dog, I took on the challenge of looking after her for a month, giving her very special care and updating the owner constantly. Puppies with the need for ongoing training is also something I can offer. I have had plenty of experience and interested in dog psychology. Having been an apartment owner, I have a lot of respect for other people's belongings and their individual way of life. As I work from your home, I will be keeping your animals company and guaranteeing your home is secure. Zero; Five; four; four; two; four; nine; eight; two; one

35 €
/ Tag
30 €
/ Besuch
Gassi gehen:
25 €
/ Spaziergang
19 €
/ Tag
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